Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Retraction

I am going to have to retract a previous post in which I claimed that I am not a dumb person. Multiple examples today have proven me wrong. To start with, I have had a lot on my mind in the last 2 weeks, but especially the last 24 hours. I was really anxious about something and was doing quite a bit of venting to my fabulous roommate while driving. (I realize that htis was not necessarily a smart thing.) So number one, I pulled into the gas station and realized that my gas tank was on the other side of my car. No big deal except it's not like this is a new car, I have had this car for, wow, four years now. Fine slight oversight. The next one, not so much. My shower drain has been running a little slow so, last night while doing my midnight shopping, I purchased some Drano. After emptying half the bottle in the drain, nothing happened. A little more drainage but the water seemed to be going a whole lot of nowhere. So I went to bed at 5 this morning thinking that I would just check it in the morning. And this morning nothing had changed. So I poured the rest of the bottle in the tub. When that did nothing, I got a screwdriver and removed the drain to see if there was something I could pull out. Still, nothing. I then attempted to use a plunger. By this time my hands are getting pruney from being submerged in a chemical bleach infested mess. I have been leaning over the tub for approximately an hour when I decided to pay more attention to the actual tub and I notice, ....... ta da! The lever to plug the tub is engaged. Yes folks, the drain was being plugged not by some massive hairball but by the mechanism whose specific intention it is to plug the drain. Sigh. Good news though, it's no longer draining slow!

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