Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Am at Heart a Non-conformist

I admit that if something is popular I am more likely NOT to want to try it. This is especially true of anything that my sister likes because she tends to get obsessed and I hear so much about it that I just don't want to know anymore. This was true for the Harry Potter books and more recently the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I finally caved and ended up enjoying both series. The difference is that I don't blather on about it excessively. It's not that I am trying to be different, I just get frustrated because I think that part of the reason that people believe or do things is because everyone else is doing it. I don't mean that people don't think for themselves, I just think that it is easier sometimes than actually taking the time and making the effort to ponder things on a deeper level than what is on the surface.

With the approaching presidential election it has been difficult for me not to engage in political conversations, something which I try not to do. I don't mind it if people want to discuss politics or issues, I just have a hard time not feeling attacked, no matter the intention. I have the unique and often lonely experience to be a liberal minded person in an extremely conservative state. I also am uniquely liberal among a family of conservatives. I am never quite sure how to respond when family members bring up politics. My sister has asked me what my views are on certain things and I have appreciated the way she has done it. I also have other people who don't TELL me that I am wrong, but bring me negative articles and point out flaws in my candidate of choosing. I read them or quitely listen but inevitably don't say anything. Mostly because I don't want to deal with it and partly because it makes me feel like they think I am stupid.

I think that people don't realize sometimes how complex "the issues" are. I have been encouraging everyone I know to register to vote and to also visit a site that solidified my positions. Not only does the site show where each candidate stands on 65 different issues, but it allows you to answer where you stand and tell you which candidate most matches with your answers.

I have to admit that even as I consider myself a non-conformist I can't help hoping that there are enough of us "non-conformists" out there that a change is coming. I don't know if I could bear another 4 years of torture. I wonder what Canada is like?

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