Saturday, January 29, 2011

Boils, Blankets and Burns

Let's face it some days or weeks are better than others and apparently I was due a bad one.

I will start off by admitting something that people are usually jealous of me for. I don't get zits. Never have and I don't even notice when other people do because it doesn't occur to me that it is a big deal. Right now however, it is a BIG deal. I have a gigantic "thing" on my chin. One of my students asked me what was wrong with my face and then proceeded to tell me (quite innocently) that he thought I may have a spider bite or a hornet sting, but either way there was something wrong with my face. (sigh) From the mouths of babes or autistic children. So not only am I appalled that this is happening to me just shy of the big 30, but my whole face hurts. This sucks big time! I have a whole newly found sympathy for people who have/will/do deal with acne. Ouch. It hurts to talk and eat. I am super self-conscious about it. I almost wish it was a boil so I could at least say it was something cool.

I also started off this week with a developing cold. I am prone to sinus infections and so of course that is how it has started. Gradually as the week as gone on it has progressed and right now I could sing bass in the MoTab. I'm exhausted. That kind where you feel like there is a weight on your chest and you just want to curl up in your blankets and sleep. Too bad life won't allow me that luxury.

I have a new favorite soup recipe that I got from a magazine and it doesn't take very long to make so before work one day I made some to take for lunch. When it came time to eat at work I heated it up too long and of course burned my tongue. So not only can I not smell a lot right now, I also can't taste anything due to scorched taste buds.

To top it off this week I was: bitten by a student, yelled at by a parent, scratched by another student, told I was having a bad hair day by a student, ruined the SD card for my phone, forgot a friend's birthday, guilt tripped by a co-worker, broke a pair of shoes, and lost my favorite ring.

Now that I have ranted, the week is over and it's time to move on. Pessimism won't help so I am banishing it into my ruined shoes and throwing it away.


Brad & Mary said...

Some weeks are just crappy! It is sure fun to laugh at the drama when they are done. Hope you get a good laugh next week :)

Jessica said...

Sorry you had a rough week. I was glad to see you are posting again on here. I love you insight and you just make me laugh. Hope all is well with you. Hope this week is a good one for you!