Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Just Happened?

I have been stewing over a date I went on for over a week now. I thought it went pretty well until the end when he wasn't even going to get out of the car and walk me to the door. I might have offended him by basically ordering him to get out of the car. He did get out but only to stand by the car and watch me climb over some snow drifts to get to the door. The thing that frustrates me the most is I really thought it was going pretty good until then. And as a reference, I don't often feel like I qualify as "hot," but on our date I looked totally smokin'. Three days later I got a very succinct email saying that he just didn't feel a connection and wishing me luck. That's fine, I'm not going to try and change his mind. I am just left feeling confused because for almost 18 months now we have been emailing and texting on a somewhat infrequent basis. The last three months have seen an increase in our communication to a daily basis at which point I suggested that perhaps it was time to meet. Every attempt to meet before this had been canceled for one reason or another and I was determined that if we didn't meet this time I was going to give up on the possibility of a romantic relationship. How well can you really know someone that you have never seen? I thought perhaps it was well enough that even if things didn't work out we could still be friends, but apparently not. The email I got was pretty clear that there would never be any further contact. A part of me wants to respond back and tell him that he is missing out on a great thing because I am awesome. That is the slightly angry part. The other part of me just wants to know why. Is it because I drank 4 glasses of Diet Coke at dinner? Is it because I ordered my burger without lettuce? Obviously asking myself these questions don't help. And do I really want to know the answer? I guess I am just perplexed because for some reason, even though our correspondence was somewhat spotty, I couldn't stop thinking about this guy. I thought it was a sign or fate trying to tell me that I had a future with him in it. I know it sounds silly and most of it was probably because I have not had any prospects lately and having this one gave me some hope. This latest experience isn't going to make me give up. Sure this didn't turn out how I expected, but I know that someday I will meet someone. I hope that day is sooner rather than later, but if it isn't I will just continue to remember that eventually my time will come. I just may have to remind myself more often than I would like.

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