Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Bug List

Here is where the ranting comes in a little bit. Just a few of the things that are bugging me lately.
  1. Neighbors who let their dogs poop on my lawn and don't clean it up. This led to a very nasty barefoot incident that I would rather not recount. I don't mind that our yard has become the common neighborhood property, we don't use it so someone should, just clean up after your dogs!
  2. People I work with who blame their messes on rental groups. I know for a FACT that last Sunday night when a rental group left that my kitchen was pristine. I stopped in to take some meat out of the freezer for Monday morning. Monday morning when I got there at 6 a.m. the kitchen was a disaster!!! I was seriously ticked. Especially when the staff tried to blame it on the rental group.
  3. A certain member of staff who is always telling me what I am doing wrong. Believe me when it's something obvious like food, I know when I mess something up. You don't need to come in the kitchen and tell me what I should have done.
  4. Thursdays. I am not fond of Thursdays at the moment. It is the day when I get my food order for the next week in, which in and of itself is not a problem except that it is also the day that the campers have sack lunches. Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. I have to make 120 or more sack lunches AND put away a literal ton of perishable food. NOT FUN my friends.
  5. The CD drive on my laptop. For some reason it has decided to stop burning discs. At work I live by music mixes made on my laptop. It still plays Cd's and DVD's but just doesn't feel like burning anything anymore. Bummer.
  6. The ads for that new car the Cube. Not only does the car look weird to me, but that new song by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs grates on my ears.
  7. Excruciating pain. It really should go without saying right? But I have some weird shooting pain in my hip that is possibly from a pinched nerve since X-Rays have shown nothing. The problem is that I would love to take the muscle relaxants that were prescribed for me, but they adversely react with a medication that I have to take on a daily basis.
  8. People with whom I share space that talk loudly on the phone until 3 or 4 in the morning and also insist on turning on and off their light during that time ensuring that I have a difficult time getting to sleep when I have to get up at 5 a.m.
  9. Hot weather. You would think that after 28 years of living in a desert state that at some point I would adjust to high temperatures. Luckily this summer has been relatively cool. However now that the temperatures are on the rise I have the issue of also working in a kitchen where I am often running a convection oven, a conventional oven, a griddle and an industrial stove top. Sometimes all at once. Oh and did I mention gas powered? Needless to say it gets hot.
  10. Good TV shows that get canceled. I have probably said something about this before but after investing myself in Eli Stone, Pushing Daisies, and a few other shows they have been canceled.

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