Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stress in Visible Form

I am not vain about a lot of things. In general I am a firm believer that the essence of a person is not reflected in their outward appearance but in the depth of caring and compassion in their soul. I am however proud of the normally flawless nature of my skin. Up until my 30th birthday earlier this year I had only ever had two (yes, single digit two,) zits. Because this has never been a concern of mine, I have never really noticed when other people have a problem with them. Just as I never noticed how many people also drove Ford Rangers until I myself started driving one. The last few weeks have been rather stressful with events such as basement flooding, break-ups, car trouble, cutting of hours at work, re-establishment of hours at work, small paychecks, inability to start school as planned and etc. All of this has culminated in the explosion of my lower face into what can only be described as a painful field of zit suck. Sigh. I am trying to think happy thoughts, because at least I am confident in myself as a person not to care what other people think about it, as opposed to the possibility that as a teenager I would have taken to clothing myself in a burqa.

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