Sunday, August 12, 2012


I learned a new word today: nomobiphobia. Any ideas what it is? It is a "no mobile phone phobia." Yes, there is now an actual phobia. And tragically, I have been afflicted by it before. How crazy is it that this is something we need to define?? I'm going to sound super-old here but I remember getting my first cell phone at the age of 19 and not using it very much. I also remember when they first came out with camera phones and how ridiculous I thought that was because who needs to take pictures that urgently? Fast forward 18 months later and I have a camera phone. Then I couldn't believe that people would actually pay for data plans on their phones just to access the internet. How lame was that? Then there was the touch phone, and finally the "smart" phone. All things that I vehemently insisted that I would not need, and of course I now own a smart phone and it has been one of the greatest purchases I have ever made.

Wait, what?

I had to purchase a smart phone a couple of months ago because my boss kept sending my messages that I couldn't access because I didn't have a smart phone. I finally broke down and bought one and ironically don't have that job anymore. Whatever. Two months after making the transition to smart phone mine was refusing to hold a charge. (Probably because I dropped it in a glass of water...) After replacing my battery and my charger my provider finally just exchanged out my phone for another. However during this time I went a whole 36 hours without a working phone. It was terrifying! I kept feeling phantom phone vibrations and I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety that someone was trying to get a hold of me. I was positive that I was missing something life changing that I would not know about until it was too late. Miraculously the world continued on as normal and when I got my new phone I had not been called upon to save the world or anything of the sort. And someone please tell me why six year old's have cell phones?? This disturbs me. No child needs to talk or text their friend that badly.

I've decided that my generation is getting "old" way to fast. The way technology is advancing in my lifetime alone is astonishing. Does anyone even remember laser discs? I still have one simply for the nostalgia of it. When I showed it to the kids I used to teach they thought I was insane.

I am way too "plugged in" with my smart phone, laptop and everything else. I've made a decided effort lately to be more cautious about how much time I am spending on the internet. I have definitely cut down on my Facebook time but am trying to make an effort to spend time "unplugged." I've been leaving my phone in another room for hours while I do other things. Gasp! The horror. But guess what? I'm still living. I didn't miss a call from Jeremy Renner professing his undying love. I was not called upon by the United Nations to be an ambassador for the aliens that recently landed in Idaho. I am okay. Mostly. Nomobiphobia cured?


Unknown said...

well the blog is quite interesting to read about. thanks for sharing ideas on such critical issues. will be looking up for more reviews.

Phone Chargers

Unknown said...

you are too funny! I am afraid i will miss a call from my maid saying she will come clean :)