Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Intimidation Tactics

It was recently suggested that I may be intimidating to men. I don't know that I can see that. I am not of a genius intelligence, I am not take your breath away beautiful, and I'm certainly not good at sports. And of course the people suggesting this were women who may be trying to clue me in and don't want to hurt my feelings by giving me actual examples, or they may have some other motive that I can't quite grasp. I did not dismiss the claim immeadiately and have spent the last few days contemplating the possible traits and personality quirks that could make me an intimidating person. Ordinarily I would ask people for some kind of response, but I'm pretty sure no one reads this but me.

Possibility #1: Honesty is scary! I think a great deal of societal problems can be traced to poor communication and a lack of honesty. I do acknowledge that there are appropriate times and places for things and that honesty is not always the best policy. However, I think people in general are too cautious and conniving. I have been a believer for a while but only in the last two years or so have I actually implemented my plan to be more open and honest with others. The timing also may have something to do with my returning to my faith and deciding that I needed to stop lying to myself as well as others. The end effect of my honesty is that I often tell people things they don't want to hear. I am never cruel and callous, but if someone asks me for an honest opinion I will truly give it and won't pull punches. In the last year as well I have approached two different men in my life and flat out told them that I was interested in a romantic relationship and that they could do what they wanted with that information. I guess this could also be called brave and not just honest. Admittedly both men rejected me but I don't regret telling them. I am still good friends with both and consider one of them my best friend. (next to my awesome roommate who will probably never read this)

Possibility #2: My musical prowess just defies explanation. This one I am less confident about because while I am passionate about music in almost all forms, I am by no means an expert. But when you have played the piano for going on 21 years there is bound to be some kind of proficiency there. Is this even a consideration?

Possibility #3: I'm unapproachable. I sure hope not, but as I have never had to approach myself in conversation I am not able to judge this one at all. I don't think I'm unapproachable. I consider myself pretty friendly and outgoing.

Possibility #4: I am not very feminine. I have the essential anatomy for femininity; breasts, ovaries, etc. But I am not fond of painting my nails, I wear a bare minimum of makeup and I have a difficult time playing the helpless female. I move my own furniture, take apart appliances, machines and computers, and I would rather watch an action or sci-fi movie than a chick flick. I may be barking up the wrong tree here but I imagine that men want to be with someone who makes them feel needed and strong. I will probably not be that woman. My friends will tell you that the guys love hanging out and talking to me because I don't behave like a typical girl. This aspect of my personality works against me in that way because I end up being just one of the guys.

I had a few more but I'm feeling kind of drained. I was blogging to get my mind off a troubling situation and it's not really working and now I can't remember what other possibilities I had thought to introduce. I have not seen the movie Click with Adam Sandler but right about now I would love to have a remote that could fast forward my life 7 or 8 months. I might even settle for a week.

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