Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things Vol. 1

The kids I teach are full of interesting things to say and I had to share some of them.

Kid A1 "So, what torturous things are you going to make us do today?" said to me as we sit down to begin Reading.

Kid A2 "You have to know your shapes so that when you graduate from junior high you can get a good job, like McDonalds." said to another child in my Math group when he wanted to know why he needed to know what a trapezoid was.

Kid A1 "I am going to get really mad if you tell me to look up anything else in the dictionary. Let's just agree that I don't need to learn any more words."

Kid F "You better get married soon because you are getting old. If you don't you are going to get pregnant and die." I wasn't sure how to explain to him the faults in his logic without getting into religion and biology. I left that one alone.

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