Thursday, April 1, 2010


If I had health insurance:

  • I would take care of the carpal tunnel and tendonitis that has plagued me for 12 years.
  • I would go to a dermatologist to check out some of the suspicious moles I have.
  • I could replace the pieces and parts of my CPAP machine that should be replaced every 6 months.
  • I would not have to turn to WebMD where I inexorably can't decide whether I have something serious like boils or just a zit. (Luckily it was just a zit)
  • I would not be terrified that the chunk of my thumb that was just taken by a rusty nail would turn into tetanus, leading to a hospital stay and inevitably, death.
  • Those "lady doctor" visits that I have never had could become a dream come true.
  • I could have the strange vertigo that I have been having with increasing frequency diagnosed or at least explained.
  • I would know for sure that the electrical impulses I can actually hear and feel going up my spinal cord are not a figment of my imagination.
  • M-I-G-R-A-I-N-E-S. Perhaps a solution?

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