Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things Vol. 5

A1: Do you ever wish you were married?
Me: Sure.
A1: You are just waiting for the right guy. Someone who loves animals. And is nice to you.
Me: Is that too much to ask?
A1: And not gay.

J1: Stupid Rastas*!!!
Me: J, we don't call people names. You need to apologize.
J1: I was using it as an adjective, NOT a noun!!
(At least I know he is learning something in my reading group?!)

A5: Did you know that Marco Polo is actually one person?

A4: "I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can deny, when a girl walks in ....."
At this point I stopped him and suggested that the song he was singing was not really appropriate for school. His reply?
A4: But I'm singing to attract me some honeys! Do you think it will work?

*Name changed to protect the relatively innocent.