Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Word or Two.....

I have mentioned that in my effort to expand my social circle that I am a paying member of a couple of social networking sites. It is always hard to determine what you should say on your profile. What can you say about yourself that will attract people but also not give them a false anticipation of you? First impressions are after all the most important. That one contact determines whether someone passes you over or stops to find out more. I have skipped over seemingly attractive profiles because the wording makes the person sound egotistical or because they seem close-minded. I could be totally wrong about these people, but their profiles have done nothing to keep me intrigued. I have been conversing with a few people and have come to realize how important grammar is. I may not get my commas in the right place or know when to use whoever vs whomever, but I do know how to form a relatively complete sentence.

I received an email yesterday from someone who wanted to possibly chat. I was a little put off because there was absolutely no capitalization, attempt at proper spelling, or the coherence of a complete sentence. Communication is important in a healthy relationship and a first impression of incoherence is not advisable. I got the gist of it, that wasn't difficult, but it did not impress me. I realize that in the age of text messaging we have learned to reduce things to the bare minimum of letters, but this was an email, not a text message. I am not a genius nor an idiot but I am seeking someone that speaks intelligently. I enjoy conversing about the current economic conditions, politics and philosophy. I can however, also converse about action movies, rock music and cars. It worries me that technology while making some great strides in medicine and other fields of science, seems to be perpetuating the decline of intelligent communication. If anyone has seen the movie "Wall-E" I point you to the scene of the small children being taught the alphabet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have lost ALOT of good brain cells while pregnant but you can talk to me if you want! by t wy does ts bug u
Love you