Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Be Right or To Not Be?

The most aggravating conversations or arguments are usually those that are based on something that is a matter of opinion or faith. You could spend hours debating whether or not there is a God or when life "begins." Ultimately neither is an argument that anyone will likely win in this lifetime.

Before I explain the next part let me explain that like most people, I don't enjoy being wrong and try to avoid it, but I will admit when the fault in logic is mine. I am in no way saying that I am a perfect being, ask anyone who knows me and they will confirm my long list of faults.

The last couple of years I have been foolishly engaged in another kind of aggravating conversation, the one where there is a clear correct or incorrect answer or it simply has no bearing at all. However, the opponent through ignorance, obstinacy, or delusion, refuses to concede. The most annoying thing about this is that the subject matter is usually something with no relevance to important things in life. Once it was which container may be used to water plants. In the end does it really matter? I doubt you will see greenery protesting because I used a large pitcher instead of a small one. I like the big one because I don't have to fill it as often and I get done faster.

For some reason I continue to try to reason with my opponent in a rational manner, even though as I do it I know my opponent is not rational. I have had the most meaningless arguments. A few of my favorites:
  • English toffee does not taste the same if the almonds are on the bottom rather than the top of the toffee. (I suggested just turning it over if it would make them feel better)
  • Drinking any sort of beverage in the car is strictly verboten because it is against the law. I am even talking about water here. (I asked why there where cup holders and never got an answer)
  • Laundry must be watched. Soap does NOT go in until all the water is in so you can determine the exact amount of detergent. (I just put some in and turn the thing on my clothes have always gotten clean)
  • If something is on sale you must buy it, because who knows when it will be again. (I disagree because I don't see the point in buying cream of chicken soup when you already have 42 cans, some dating back to the early 1990's)
  • Bathroom tile is to be covered in wall-to-wall carpet because it is easier to clean. (Really?)
  • Married people should not be associating with people other than their family and spouses, EVER. (I have some married friends that I spend time with occasionally and this always seems to be scandalous.)
  • A hotel does not exist if someone has never heard of it. (This was one of the more ridiculous as it is not difficult to prove that a hotel exists.)
I admit that even though I know it is useless to engage in these conversations I still find myself trying to defend a decision that with anyone else would not have been questioned. I think that I keep hoping that one day, just maybe, rationality will strike like lightning and save me from discussing ad nauseam how best to open a box of cereal. A girl can dream, right?


Unknown said...

I LOVE Oma! She is getting you back for me...all those times growing up when you HAD to be right! Thanks Oma

Brad & Mary said...

Oma is hilarious you have to give her that. We need to scandoulously hang out some time:)