Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Changing Scenes

I've been feeling a sense of detachment lately which has given me plenty of time for self-reflection. Over the last few years I have solidified my personal views on religion, politics and a variety of issues all the time aware that I am more liberal than my immediate family and most of the people in my community. However, knowing what I believe and sharing are two entirely different things. I typically smiled and nodded when people talked about things, but kept my opinion to myself and if I did volunteer an opinion, I would censor myself knowing that people wouldn't agree with me if I was really honest. Several months ago I felt brave enough to share my deepest feelings about some things with my closest friend and I was shocked when she didn't disown me. Emboldened by this experience I gradually became more willing to share with others. It was great when in September I made an acquaintance who actually was even more liberal than me! I found a kindred spirit! The frustrating thing is that as I have let people know what I really think I have seen a decrease in my social life. I can't blame this entirely on expressing myself, but I have found myself less willing to spend time around people who are not open-minded. I'm not asking you to change your views or even agree with what I say, I just think that people should be more willing to listen to people that have different views and not berate someone who is different.

With all this self-reflection I have come to some surprising conclusions. The most surprising being that overall I don't have much to complain about. I have some problems (all of my own making) but I am doing what I can solve these problems. Life could really be worse.

I am a very social person and usually am happiest when I am meeting new people. I am genuinely fascinated by other people. I like to know where people come from and how that has affected the person that they have become. After 2 1/2 years I think it is time for a change. I love the ward that I am in, but the number of people I associate with has decreased. And the people that I most want to associate with are too busy for me anyway. Instead my weekends have been spent of late cleaning, doing family history and knitting. I don't mind doing these things but I am just not by nature a solitary person, which is why I think it's time for a change of scene. I need to find a way to meet new people. My options are limited because I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't want to spend time in places where people do. I have done some networking online with not-so-great results. Where can I go in Utah to meet people? (And NO not Studio 600, the crowd is a little young for me)

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