Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guilty Confessions

I had an epiphany today. My brother was looking at my Facebook page and asked me why I had almost 300 friends. He says it is ridiculous because there is no way I actually talk to all of these people on a regular basis. I was making a joke to someone new on Facebook about how addicting it can be and I also said something about how it was the only legal form of stalking. Facebook allows you to check up on people and find out what is going on in their lives without actually talking to them. It was a joke but after I finished I realized how completely true it was! I must admit that if I want to know what's going on with someone I check their recent activity on Facebook. I believe I have heard it referred to as wall stalking. I am GUILTY!

I have also become more aware of what I have on my page. There are things that I may think are funny but someone who doesn't know me, or hasn't interacted with me in a long time could misinterpret. On one hand I want to say "who cares?" because people are going to think what they want to and ultimately the opinions of others shouldn't (and don't) matter to me. But here is the thing. I have become very aware recently not of what other people think but of the example that I am setting for the people around me. So I now prefer to err on the side of caution. Because when it comes down to it I would rather people think better of me than they probably should then to think the worst of me unjustly. I probably won't change the world or even my community, but someday I would like to think that someone can say that I was a positive influence in their life, if only for a little while.

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