Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Self-confessed Geek

Transformers (film)Image via Wikipedia

I am a self-confessed geek. I love Star Trek and just about anything sci-fi or action based. My family has a tradition of seeing movies like that at midnight on opening night. I have seen so many movies at midnight that I couldn't even name them all. A few of the most memorable include X-Files, X-Men 2, Quantum of Solace, and most recently Transformers 2. The great thing about midnight showings of movies is that you are guaranteed that anyone willing to do that REALLY wants to see the movie. Sitting in audience of true fans is exhilirating. It is the one time that applause and out loud cheering at a movie are encouraged. Undoubtedly you will also find people dressed up as characters from the movie or at least wearing a related T-shirt. The only downside is that you have to be careful who you go with. If you go with a true fanatic the time after the movie will undoubtedly be spent in pointless debate about the logicality of some plot point or another. I had that experience when I went to Star Trek in May. I don't go to movies because I expect people or things to have rational explanations. That's what real life is for right? So what if someone uses a car to take down a helicopter. It isn't a practical or probable situation but it looks totally awesome!! So instead of going into a movie and expecting the world I go in expecting to be entertained and hopefully to see some really awesome explosions and hopefully laugh a little bit. By the way, Transformers totally rocked!!!

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