Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Devastation of a Young Girl's Dream

I have been very fortunate to be blessed with flawless skin. It is one of my few vanities. Until recently I could count on one finger the total blemishes (aka zits, pimples, etc) that have graced my pasty, uh porcelain skin. Until recently. To my shock and total devastation I now have a huge "thing" growing on my forehead. Now I know people are saying, "Poor baby, she got a zit." with the thickest of sarcasm dripping from their words. But here is why I say this is devastating: I don't know what to do with them. I have made the unfortunate mistake of messing with it too early. I blame this totally on my lack of experience with said blemishes. So now of course I have made it worse than it needed to be. Is the forehead supposed to be a stress area? Because just the stress from this one could make me look like I have horns...... or boils,........ or an extra nose. Am I being too dramatic? Is it wrong that my world seems to be crashing down around me? :)


Keith said...

Welcome to my life when I was seventeen.

Hildegarde said...

I know, I am totally whining. But I don't think I would hit puberty all over again at 27!