Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Love My Dog

I can't help it, I absolutely adore my dog. He is the cutest ball of fur EVER! We have a tradition in my family of unusual names for our pets. When I was younger we had a bird named Fogel (pronounced Foogel) which is the Norweigan word for bird. We also had more than one dog named Mosha, which is Norweigan for dog. When I was 12 we got a puppy and my 2 year old brother couldn't say dog, so we ended up naming our dog Kitty. So to follow our grand tradition we named our latest dog Fishy. Let me explain where the name came from. Anyone who watches Sesame Street knows Bert and Ernie. There is a sketch where Bert and Ernie are fishing on a lake and Bert can't figure out how Ernie keeps getting so many fish without even using a pole. Ernie shows Bert that he has a way of calling the fish, and they jump into the boat. "Here fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy!" Blame my dad. It also got to be a little confusing for my niece when she was learning her animals. A dog named Fish just added another level of confusion.(Not to be outdone my sister named their dog Soda) We actually don't know what kind of dog he is because we got him from the pound. We have been told 2 different things. One vet told us Labradoodle, one vet told us Australian Low-land Sheepdog. Meh, doesn't matter, he is a friendly, smart and personable dog. When we first got Fishy I was living at home and I had the privilege of having him sleep at the end of my bed every night. I miss him. I wish that I could take him home with me. So any opportunity I have to cuddle with him or take him for rides I enjoy. Here are some pictures I took recently. He's just so Muppet cute!

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