Friday, May 30, 2008

Comfortable Silences

I love sound. Not just music but most sounds. I enjoy just sitting somewhere and listening to my surroundings. I try and pick out sounds and figure out their origin. Of course anything at the wrong decibel or with excessive repetition can be annoying. I used to student teach a choir class full of girls and when they were getting too noisy I used to tell them that silence can be the most beautiful music of all.

I tend to end up as a sounding board for a couple of people and I realized tonight why I love my friend Rose so much. With my other friends (two in particular) I don't get to talk a lot and conversation usually revolves around them. With Rose, she actually lets me talk. And then there are those great times when we can just sit in comfortable silence. So to Rose I dedicate the next few lines and hope that you can enjoy them.

See, wasn't that nice?

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