Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Golden Rule

I continue to struggle to not use my blog to write bitter diatribes about the state of the nation and/or the state of my love life. I have been reflecting and I have decided that the thing that frustrates me most about the men that I know is that because the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor, they treat us like objects. Objects that put up with their crap and will be there when they need them, even if abandoned for a while. I usually convey my disgust and annoyance with cynicism and negativity. I have decided to live The Golden Rule. Instead of doubting and expecting the worst, I am going to try and treat the men in my life as if they are already the men I know they can be. I know it will be difficult, but hopefully I can convince some of my friends to do the same. Maybe if we change our attitude, so will they. Also with this I will strive to act like the person I'm trying to be, instead of the bitter wasted shell of a future cat lady. I'm also going to try and stop worrying about my love life. I may not understand it or like it, but I really can't complain about much else. I have great friends, a nice place to live, a decent job and I love who I am. I may not be perfect, but I can continue to work on myself and hope that one day someone will accept me for me. So, until that day when my faith in men is restored, I am sticking with The Golden Rule.


Keith said...
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Keith said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months. A brief, unsolicited comment:

There is hope for you.

Men, in general, are more sensitive and kind than you believe. They are lonely and vulnerable just as you are, and they need your kindness just as badly as you need theirs. In fact, your criticism hurts them more deeply than you realize, even if they only sense it or hear about it from others.

I am confident that, through faith - the kind that is quiet and humbling - you will overcome your bitterness and see the goodness in a man who will also see it in you.

You can let go of your fear and anger and start working for what you want, because you will find it.

P.S. sorry about the deleted commment. I just added a sentence.